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Revolve Robotics' Telepresence Robot Enhances Telemedicine Interactions

Kubi, from Revolve Robotics, is a telepresence robot. Unlike other, more complicated telemedicine tools, Kubi offers a tablet mounted on a remotely controlled robot and an easy-to-use app using the Vonage Video API. Kubi lets remote practitioners look around, assess the situation and engage in face-to-face interactions with patients.

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How to to take the complexity away from costly telemedicine systems offered in the healthcare industry and to bring back a human element. How to offer medical professionals and patients a simple and more human way to connect.


Vonage Video API


With the Vonage Video's easily customizable API, integration with Kubi's advanced robotics was straightforward. By leveraging the Vonage API platform, Revolve Robotics got the flexibility they needed without compromising on quality video calls. Users experience engaging, interactive conversations with their practitioners.

Kubi from Revolve Robotics is a telepresence robot that aims to bring a more engaging human element to telemedicine. Instead of other more complicated telemedicine tools, Kubi offers a tablet mounted on a remotely controlled robot and an easy-to-use app that enables remote users to look around, assess the situation and engage with patients face to fac

Simple, but Engaging Patient Interactions

Revolve Robotics aimed to take the complexity away from costly telemedicine systems that are predominantly offered in the healthcare industry and to bring back the human element. They wanted to offer medical professionals and patients a simple and more human way to connect. The result is Kubi, a telepresence robot that combines real-time communications with powerful robotics that simplifies patient interactions of all kinds and makes video calls more engaging.

Interactive Telemedicine

The video app required a flexible and easily customizable API that could be integrated with their advanced robotics. By leveraging the Vonage platform, Revolve Robotics could ensure they had the flexibility they needed without compromising on quality video calls. Users are able to have an engaging, interactive conversation as they pan and tilt the iPad by controlling Kubi over the web.

Improved Remote Healthcare

The ability to look around and interact with others during video calls leads to improved remote healthcare. Kubi robots can be found in care homes, doctors’ offices, hospitals and more to enable a range of telemedicine use cases. Receptionists can virtually manage multiple waiting rooms simultaneously; a specialist can examine a hospital patient from the other side of the country; and patients with mobility challenges can get the care they need without leaving the comfort of their own home.

By integrating Vonage’s industry-leading real time communications platform with advanced robotics, Kubi is revolutionizing the healthcare industry, making remote healthcare more engaging and accessible.


“By leveraging the Vonage live video platform, Revolve Robotics could ensure the flexibility needed without compromising on quality video calls. Users are able to have an engaging, interactive conversation as they pan and tilt the iPad by controlling Kubi over the web.”

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